Italy has transposed the DSM Directive

Merpel celebrated Halloween in Florence Together with Spain [Katpost here ] , this week it has been Italy’s turn to transpose the DSM Directive into its own law. Next week, the Legislative Decree approved by the Council of Ministers will be published on the Italian Official Journal ( Gazzetta Ufficiale ). During the summer, The IPKat discussed the content of some of the most ‘interesting’ draft provisions that Italy was considering adopting to implement the Directive into its own law. The final text of the Italian Legislative Decree does not substantially depart from that draft legislation. Let’s take a closer look at of some of the provisions – online content sharing service providers (OCSSPs), text and data mining (TDM), press publishers’ right – eventually adopted and see what mark the new Italian provisions may deserve from the perspective of compliance with their EU counterparts – respectively: Articles 17, 3-4, and 15 of the Dir...