Facebook found liable for hosting links to unlicensed content

Kilari and Valentina Ponzone For the first time under Italian law a platform (Facebook) has been found liable for hosting third- party links to unlicensed content. The decision was issued by the Rome Court of First Instance a few days ago: it is Tribunale di Roma, sentenza 3512/2019 . The judgment is both interesting and important, also considering the YouTube referral (C-682/18) currently pending before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) [Katpost here ] . Let's see more in detail what happened and how the Rome court reasoned. Background Broadcaster Reti Televisive Italiane SpA (RTI) and singer Valentina Ponzone sued Facebook over the creation, on the latter, of a profile that hosted unlicensed videos and defamatory comments relating to Ms Ponzone's performance of the intro to the Italian version of Japanese animated TV series Kilari . The profile also con...