What may be the main (potential) events in the life of an EU/national trade mark? Here's a new map

The new academic year has begun: students (and professors!) have returned from their holidays and are now busy exploring the intricacies of IP law.

As some readers may remember, over time I have shared on this blog some of the maps, diagrams and checklists prepared for my students to help them understand some of the key IP issues I teach [the materials can be found here].

I have now revisited my old Life of a national/EU trade Mark map and worked towards updating and improving it. 

The new map concerning EU/national trade marks: Main life events is available below and can be downloaded here. I would like to thank fellow Kat Rosie for her feedback. There is no need to say that I am responsible for any errors/inaccuracies.

As usual, any comments from readers would be very welcome! 

[Originally published on The IPKat on 3 October 2018]


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